Wednesday, January 20, 2010

understanding the mission

I know that God's plans are not always for us to understand. I struggled with Daniel's statement that God called him to join the Army, and in particular the Corps of Engineers. I struggled because I know Daniel's heart and his love for people, especially those who are hurting. I didn't understand, but I trusted that Daniel is in tune with our Lord and knew what it is he is supposed to do.

Then 8 days ago, the hurricane hit Haiti. My heart broke for the people who lost their loved ones and their homes. I remembered how the Texas Baptist Men come to the rescue of those who suffer loss such as these. But then something even more miraculous happened. I learned that the Army Corps of Engineers was going in to help. Yes, I had previously heard about the Army Corps of Engineers helping others in times of disaster, but lately everything Army-related has been about the war in Afghanistan. It didn't even occur to me at first that they would be going into Haiti to help the people recover from their terrible loss.

All of a sudden, Daniel's "calling" became clear. Of course, since he is still at boot camp, he won't be going to Haiti (or anywhere else) until at least May. But doing rescue and clean up work is right up Daniel's alley. He truly has a heart for people, and I know that God will use him wherever he is sent.

Thank you God for using the tragedy in Haiti to reveal to me just a part your master plan!

Thank you Daniel for following God's will, even when we (or I) may not understand it. I struggle with seeing you as a young man (as opposed to just a boy), but your amazing strength and obedience to God truly reveals that you are indeed a man of God! I pray constantly that God will continue to keep you safe and comfort you as you follow his will.

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