Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Daniel's Next Great Mission

I have decided to set up this blog to try to keep Daniel's friends, family and supporters up to date on Daniel's next great mission. It is also a place for me to journal my thoughts and prayers for him as he leaves. Feel free to post comments, and I will print them and send them to him with my letters. I'll also post his address here as soon as I have it so that others can send letters as well. However, please only send letters -- NO CARE PACKAGES (YET). (I will let you know when care packages can be sent.)

Daniel left on Tuesday morning for Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to become a SOLDIER. I think this goal means as much to him as any other title he has ever received, except of course CHRISTIAN. In fact, Daniel has told me (and others) that GOD has called him to the Army and that he sees it as his mission field. I know that Daniel can accomplish anything that he sets his mind to and that God will protect him and will use Daniel for HIS glory!

These last two days have been an emotional rollercoaster already. I miss him terribly. Many people have told me that it is "just like sending him off to college," but I disagree. College is certainly a depature from home and moving on towards independence. However, in college, it is unlikely that you will have to get up at 0400 and have people yelling at you at all hours of the day and night. Most people at college don't care how you make your bed (or if you make your bed), and no one is going to make you do pushups or step into a gas chamber. Furthermore, he is not preparing for the corporate world outside of college, but rather for the cruel likelihood that he will be deployed to war in order to serve and protect all citizens of the United States. And he does not do this for a paycheck, but rather because it is what he has been called to do. In all due respect, I believe that what Daniel (and others like him) are undertaking is much different from leaving for college. Nonetheless, Daniel is part of a small breed who are qualified and choose to volunteer for this service. I am so very proud of him and all that he has overcome so far.

It is my intention that, as I receive letters from Daniel, I will type them into this blog to keep everyone informed. In the meantime, the best thing you can send to Daniel is your prayers and encouragement!


  1. I am happy you have set this up for Daniel Lynda and know that Daniel will be in our hearts and on our minds as he accomplishes his next huge task.

  2. Hi Daniel! This is Julie Beanland. I just wanted to wish you the best as you start this new journey! I am very proud of you already! God has much in store for you as you will soon discover! I know these first few weeks and months especially will be hard for you, but God will be there with you! Many are and will continue praying for you here at AFBC! Always remember that! Keep us posted, if you can, with how you're doing! We love you!

