Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daniel got his orders

We got two calls today from our SOLDIER! He got a 12-hour on base pass and spent most of it at the USO. He said he got to eat "real food," which included pizza and Chinese food. He also got to spend a little bit of time on the computer (for the first time in 9 weeks). He has asked us to send him his computer in a couple weeks. (He'll be allowed to have it as soon as he passes his PT test.)

Speaking of his PT test. He passed the PT test to get through the basic training portion, but now he has to pass a more difficult PT test in order to become a combat engineer. He needs to be able to do 42 "proper" pushups (meaning that his body must be completely straight), 53 situps, and run 2 miles in 15:54. He is 4 pushups short of his goal, and he will have multiple opportunities to pass the test before graduation on April 23.

He has been issued and is wearing his beret. This is HUGE for the new soldiers. It is one way that they are distinguished on base from the recruits.

He hasn't mailed me any pictures yet. I did get him to agree to put one picture of himself in an envelope and mail it to me this week. Actually, I'm thinking of mailing his a pre-addressed, postage paid envelope for him to send me the pictures. When I finally do receive pictures, I'll definitely post them here.

Now for the real news ... Daniel has received his orders. After graduation, he will be headed to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado. From there, he is expected to deploy in the late fall or early winter to Afghanistan. Daniel is disappointed that he didn't get stationed at Fort Hood, as he really wanted to be closer to home, but Fort Carson is certainly closer than many other places he could have ended up. Not to mention prettier! I'm already planning a summer trip.

1 comment:

  1. My husband is just starting (Day 6) his BCT at Ft Leonard Wood for combat engineer's great to read how happy your son seems to be with his MOS
