Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Army Mom's Creed

I am the mother of an American soldier.
I am a support system and a member of a family
much larger than my own.

I serve the people of the United States and teach my children
the importance of the Army values.
My son's heightened morale will remain my mission
For I understand that he will not be successful in fulfilling his duties
If I stray from mine.
I will never give up
Nor will I allow my fears
To prevent the accomplishment of my duties.
I will never allow my son to forget
The importance of his role as a soldier.

I am disciplined. My faith in God
will allow me to remain steadfast
Despite the loneliness and stress
that are constantly confronting me.
I will depend on HIM so that my son can depend on me.

I will ensure my son never doubts
that he is a priority in my life.
I will maintain my family, my home, and myself.
My son will never have to wonder where my devotion lies.
His focus will remain on the security of a nation
While mine remains on the security of our family.
I will remain faithful in my encouragement and my support.

I am the mother of an American soldier!

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