Tuesday, January 26, 2010

starting to freak out

Daniel has been gone for 3 weeks today. I think I've been doing really well and actually been pretty patient waiting to hear from him. The last time I heard from him was on the bus between the airport and the base on Jan. 5. Since then, I've received the form postcard and the form letter from his commander, but nothing directly from Daniel.

I have made connections with the mother and the wife of two soldiers in Daniel's platoon. They have both received phone calls and letters, so I don't think it is a matter of the guys not earning the privilege.

The tip of the iceberg on my worry train was last night. I saw a facebook post from the mother of one of the soldiers in Daniel's platoon. She got a letter from her son that he has injured his knee and and is currently in physical therapy. I am shocked that she wasn't somehow made aware of this until she got her son's letter four days after the fact. I would certainly think the Army would've let him call under those circumstances?

I'm starting to freak out that Daniel is hurt or for some other reason isn't participating with the rest of his platoon? I've sent him postage stamps and a calling card. My mind is probably just getting the best of me, and I need to stop worrying ... please pray for peace and comfort for me, and that Daniel writes or calls his mother soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

missing him

I posted on Facebook this week about how much I was missing Daniel. Shortly thereafter, a good friend sent me this message that made my day:

In John 16, where Jesus was trying to explain to the disciples about how he would be gone from them and He would return, they were confused. He explained to them that they would be very sad for what the world would do to Him (Jesus). Then he continued. May His Word touch your sadness and replace it with peace. Denise

[from The Message] John 16:

21-23 "When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there's no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain. The sadness you have rigght now is similar to that pain, but the coming joy is also similar. When I see you again, you'll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. You'll no longer be so full of questions.

23-24 "This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and He'll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!"

I still haven't heard from Daniel directly, but I have made contact (via Facebook) with two other people who have loved ones in Daniel's platoon. This does make me feel closer to him, and I am getting some information via letters they've received from their loved ones.

I shared Daniel's address with several people today at a family get together as well as at church. I hope that ya'll will write to him soon. Regardless of whether or not Daniel is able to write back, I know that he appreciates it. Please know that although Daniel can't have any care packages yet, he can receive: cough drops, mole skin (cut in the useable sizes since they can't have scissors), long distance phone cards, and postage stamps.

I also encourage you to share scripture with Daniel. You can do so either in your letters, by posting comments to this blog, or by emailing me directly at lyndalhart@gmail.com.

According to information I've been able to find, this coming week may be the worst week of bootcamp yet. One of the things they'll have to do this week is go into a gas chamber with and without a gas mask! Daniel can use all of the prayers and support that we can send to him. The following week (if they pass all of the requirements this week), they will move into "white phase" which is slightly calmer with a few more freedoms.

Daniel is an incredible young man who has never given up and always follows what he believes is God's perfect will for his life. I don't expect that to change! I am grateful for your prayers, and I know he is too.

You can do it son!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

understanding the mission

I know that God's plans are not always for us to understand. I struggled with Daniel's statement that God called him to join the Army, and in particular the Corps of Engineers. I struggled because I know Daniel's heart and his love for people, especially those who are hurting. I didn't understand, but I trusted that Daniel is in tune with our Lord and knew what it is he is supposed to do.

Then 8 days ago, the hurricane hit Haiti. My heart broke for the people who lost their loved ones and their homes. I remembered how the Texas Baptist Men come to the rescue of those who suffer loss such as these. But then something even more miraculous happened. I learned that the Army Corps of Engineers was going in to help. Yes, I had previously heard about the Army Corps of Engineers helping others in times of disaster, but lately everything Army-related has been about the war in Afghanistan. It didn't even occur to me at first that they would be going into Haiti to help the people recover from their terrible loss.

All of a sudden, Daniel's "calling" became clear. Of course, since he is still at boot camp, he won't be going to Haiti (or anywhere else) until at least May. But doing rescue and clean up work is right up Daniel's alley. He truly has a heart for people, and I know that God will use him wherever he is sent.

Thank you God for using the tragedy in Haiti to reveal to me just a part your master plan!

Thank you Daniel for following God's will, even when we (or I) may not understand it. I struggle with seeing you as a young man (as opposed to just a boy), but your amazing strength and obedience to God truly reveals that you are indeed a man of God! I pray constantly that God will continue to keep you safe and comfort you as you follow his will.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

a "gift" for Daniel

Daniel's 19th birthday will be February 6. Because he is in bootcamp, we can't send him any type of tangible gift. But what we can send him is love and notes of encouragement. My goal for Daniel's 19th birthday is to try to find 19 people who will send him a birthday card. It can be any type of card EXCEPT cards that make noise or have confetti in them. It can even be homemade. If you would be willing to participate in this birthday gift for Daniel, please send me an email at lyndalhart@gmail.com and I will send you his address.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I just got his address!

I just got Daniel's mailing address. I am sooooo happy that I can finally start writing to him! If you would like to write to him directly, please send me an email at lyndalhart@gmail.com. I have been advised not to post his address on a public forum or website for his own protection. Unfortunately, there are crazies out there who would like to threaten harm to our soldiers.

Alternatively, you can post on this blog. Just click on "comment" underneath any of my posts and send a message to him (or me). I plan to print all messages that are directed to him and will include them with my letters.

I just looked up Daniel's unit on the base website. This picture is the symbol for his particular training company. They are called "the Crusaders." It reminds me of pictures I've seen in Sunday school growing up of the Armor of God. He even has a cross on his chest. Coincidence? I don't thinks so ...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meeting other parents in the same boat

Today, I found another parent of a 21b (combat engineer) future soldier who arrived at Fort Leonard Wood on the same day that Daniel did (Jan. 4). We connected through the Fort Leonard Wood page on facebook. We are thinking that our boys may be in the same unit. I am so glad to have another "connection" to Daniel.

I am still hoping that I get a real letter or phone call from Daniel soon. I am so anxious to hear from him. I know that he is safe and incredibly busy in intense training, so I feel a bit selfish about needing/wanting him to communicate with me. I trust that God will keep him safe and that Daniel is doing everything that he needs to do to be a well trained soldier.

I noticed when writing to the other mother that I "met" through facebook that I kept referring to our sons as "boys." I am still having some difficulty seeing him as a young man! But I know that is exactly what he is. He is a man of GOD! And he will soon be a solider in the US Army. (I've been told that he isn't officially a "soldier" until after his 9th week of training, which is the end of the boot camp portion of his training and the beginning of his combat engineer training, although he'll be training with the same drill sergeants for the entire time he's there.)

I am so proud of the decisions that Daniel has made and the decisions that he continues to make. I love him soooo much! He has been called by God, and he is doing what he has been called to do. What else could I ask?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I got "the Postcard"

I am so excited that I received "the Postcard." This is the form note from the Army that lets me know that Daniel has arrived safely. He isn't able to add any personal comment or information, and I don't have his address yet. Nevertheless, I am still excited to have some (any) communication from him.

The front of the postcard is addressed in his handwriting to "Mom and Dad" (not our names). This made me smile! Yes, I cried a bit too ...

The remainder of the postcard is a pre-typed military form (other than his signature at the bottom). This is what the postcard says:

"I have arrived safely at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I am undergoing my initial processing at 43d AG Bn (RCPT) prior to beingg assigned to a unit for training. I will only be here 4 or 5 days, and then I will ship to a training company. Do not write to me at the address on this card or to the 43d AG Bn (RCPT). I will send you my mailing address within the next week when I am assigned to a training comapny. Also, I will inform you as to the date that I am graduating. Fore more information on my stay at Fort Leonard Wood, go to www.wood.army.mil/grad.

If I should be needed at home because of serious illness or death of a member of our immediate family, contact the Red Cross Chapter nearest home, explain the emergency and give them my name, rank, social security number, and military address. They will contact the Red Cross Field Director here and the Director will inform my Commanding Officer and me. This is the only way I can get an emergency leave."

Also, I noticed that the postcard is postmarked January 8. I am pleased that it arrived quickly. I am also surprised that the base was open that day since it was soooo cold that day.

In any event, I am very happy to know that he is safe and will be shipping to his unit soon (if not already). I'll let ya'll know when I have his mailing address or receive any future letters or calls.


No, I don't have any pictures of Daniel. I don't even have an address yet. I'm stalking the mailman. I think I'm going to go ahead and start writing to him anyhow, then I will have some cards and letters ready to go as soon as I do get an address.

In the meantime, I found these pictures on the Fort Leonard Wood facebook page (see link below). Although I don't think Daniel is in any of these pictures, it gives me some comfort knowing what he was going through and doing last week. The machine to measure their feet and tell them which running shoes to buy is very interesting. I can't wait to ask Daniel about that.


It is my understanding that Daniel will ship "down range" either today or Friday to begin his actual training. He is going to be a combat engineer, so he'll get to do some of the other training shown in the pictures, including driving the bulldozer. I know he'll enjoy that! He'll also have to participate in some of the less-desirable training, including going into the gas tank. Ick!

As part of my letters to Daniel, I plan to include "surveys" that I hope he will complete. I want to ask him specific questions about his experience. I'll post his answers on here as well. If there is anything specific you'd like to know from him, please post a comment here or send me an email and I'll include it in one of the surveys for him.

I am very grateful that Daniel's recruiter was pretty honest with him about what to expect. I am also especially grateful and proud of my son and others like him are willing to make the sacrifice! Please continue to keep Daniel (and all of his "battle buddies") in your prayers.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I went to church today. Many people asked about you, and we told them about your swearing in, hearing from you on the bus to the base, and about the weather in Missouri (based on what we've heard/read on the news). I am looking forward to hearing more from you soon ... at least the postcard with your address so that I can begin writing to you directly. I went and purchased 9 cards to send to you over the next several weeks as well. Tonight, we had dinner at church as well. It was interesting because we didn't have to bring anything this time. They had lots of leftovers from several funerals in the past couple of weeks.

I hope that you got the opportunity to go to church today as well. I remember when I was in bootcamp that Sunday was one of the sanest/calmest days that we had. I also remember the church servicess being very exciting, energetic and uplifting. I hope it was the same for you! I know that you will have many opportunities to share your faith in bootcamp and beyond, and I'm sure you will be an encouragement to others. You are an amazing young man!

This weekend, Abbie picked out a new build-a-bear that she bought with her own money. This bear (actually a dog) has patriotic fur. She bought Army BDUs for it, complete with a dog tag. She named it "Bubba Dawg" and pretends like it says, "Hooah." We are trying to teach Abbie how to say "Hooah!" with gusto, but she hasn't quite caught on yet.

For those who don't know about "Hooah!" here is the best definition I've been able to find. (Perhaps you can let me know how accurate this is when you get a chance to write.)

Hooah [pronounced who-a] used by soldiers and refers to or means anything and everything exceept "no." Soldiers acknowledge a mission to be accomplished, a job well-done, or any occasion imaginable with a loud HOO-AH! It is an affirmation that the soldier fully agrees with and supports the idea or intent expressed by the person to whom the response is addressed. It applies not only to the letter of what was said but to the intent as well.

Lastly, I found the words to the "Army Song" this weekend. I was particularly impressed and smiled when I read the final verse. It fully agrees with your affirmative statement that you are "called by God" to serve in the U.S. Army:

Men in rags, Men who froze
Still that Army met its foes
And the Army went rolling along.
Faith in GOD, then we're right,
And we'll fight with all our might,
As the Army keeps rolling along.

I believe in you son! Although I haven't heard from you yet, I receive comfort knowing that you are in God's will. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe! I love you!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

4:00 a.m.

4:00 AM! That is the time that I have woken up every morning since Daniel left home on Monday. At first, I really didn't think much of it. But it has happened EVERY morning. I haven't set an alarm clock, and I've never had an issue with waking up before the alarm clock in the past. I concluded that this is a GOD thing. (Yes, I'm slow sometimes ...) You see, it is my understanding that reveille for Daniel is at 0400 (or 4:00 a.m. to you non-military types). So I have decided to use this time, every morning, to pray for Daniel (and his "battle buddies") to have a good day.
Daniel, you continue to be in my prayers. (There are dozens of others praying for you as well.) I am so proud of your heart and the decisions you are making. You are truly a servant who will be used by GOD in may great ways. I love you!!! I can't wait to get your address so that I can start writing to you directly.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

high of 6 degrees

Weather.com predicts a high of 6 degrees in Fort Leonard Wood tomorrow. Who is going to be there to make sure Daniel wears a coat? He needs his mommy!

In all seriousness, I've been told that this is unseasonably cold weather even for Missouri. Fortunately, his temperatures are predicted to get up into the high 30s next week. It will be like a heat wave for him after this week.

On a separate topic, I was told before he left that he would get a "three minute phone call" to let me know that he had arrived safely. The last I heard from him, he was on the bus between the airport and the base. I can only assume that he arrived safely. (I'm sure I would have heard if he didn't.) I know that there are a lot of rumors and speculations about what really goes on at boot camp. Perhaps this was just another rumor? I'm sure looking forward to hearing something ... ANYTHING from him.

If you would like his address to write to him directly, please post a comment or email me at lyndalhart@gmail.com and I will send it to you (as soon as I receive it). For his protection and safety, I have been advised not to post his full address publicly on any website. (Unfortunately, there are weirdos out there who wish or threaten harm to our soldiers.)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Swearing In

"I, Daniel George Hart, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, SO HELP ME GOD."

I was so busy watching my son as he is taking this important step and taking pictures of him that I nearly forgot to take pictures of the Major who was administering the oath.

Two Things

Yesterday when I got in my car to go see Daniel get sworn into the Army, I discovered two things sitting in the front seat. Daniel had cleaned out his jeep because we are selling it from him while he is gone. Most of his things he took into the house, but he quietly left his Bible and his graduation tassle in the front seat of my car. I really thought nothing of it, even thinking that he had just placed them there possibly out of laziness of not wanting to carry them in the house or maybe not knowing what to do with them? This morning on my way to work, I thought about them some more as they still sit in my car. These two items represent Daniel's two biggest accomplishments to date -- his faith in Jesus Christ and his graduation from high school. He is now off taking the next biggest step of his life. I feel honored that he has entrusted me with these items until he can return for them.

Daniel's Next Great Mission

I have decided to set up this blog to try to keep Daniel's friends, family and supporters up to date on Daniel's next great mission. It is also a place for me to journal my thoughts and prayers for him as he leaves. Feel free to post comments, and I will print them and send them to him with my letters. I'll also post his address here as soon as I have it so that others can send letters as well. However, please only send letters -- NO CARE PACKAGES (YET). (I will let you know when care packages can be sent.)

Daniel left on Tuesday morning for Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to become a SOLDIER. I think this goal means as much to him as any other title he has ever received, except of course CHRISTIAN. In fact, Daniel has told me (and others) that GOD has called him to the Army and that he sees it as his mission field. I know that Daniel can accomplish anything that he sets his mind to and that God will protect him and will use Daniel for HIS glory!

These last two days have been an emotional rollercoaster already. I miss him terribly. Many people have told me that it is "just like sending him off to college," but I disagree. College is certainly a depature from home and moving on towards independence. However, in college, it is unlikely that you will have to get up at 0400 and have people yelling at you at all hours of the day and night. Most people at college don't care how you make your bed (or if you make your bed), and no one is going to make you do pushups or step into a gas chamber. Furthermore, he is not preparing for the corporate world outside of college, but rather for the cruel likelihood that he will be deployed to war in order to serve and protect all citizens of the United States. And he does not do this for a paycheck, but rather because it is what he has been called to do. In all due respect, I believe that what Daniel (and others like him) are undertaking is much different from leaving for college. Nonetheless, Daniel is part of a small breed who are qualified and choose to volunteer for this service. I am so very proud of him and all that he has overcome so far.

It is my intention that, as I receive letters from Daniel, I will type them into this blog to keep everyone informed. In the meantime, the best thing you can send to Daniel is your prayers and encouragement!